What's this, then?

This is the more dynamic and light-on-its-toes version of TYKES STIRRINGS FiloFolk listings pages. Just to be clear, in this instance “dynamic and light-on-its-toes” means only slightly faster than the tectonically slow quarterly cycle of the printed alternative.The only problem with a mass of material like this, is keeping it up-to-date. I have absolutely no doubt that some of the entries in the venues list are out of date, but without ringing everyone every issue, it isn't possible to find out which. In the nature of things, the organisers of events are much more likely to report their creation than their demise. Everyone can help by letting me know if they find that a club has closed, or a sing-around or session has folded.
Please email us with your entries or corrections here.
TykesStirrings is over 50 years old and it didn't get to that great age by just giving away its information and skills willy nilly. It contains interviews, articles, news and reviews by the score and can be subscribed to by going here and laying down a paltry sum. Often over 70 pages long it is supported by a collection of selfless writers and reviewers who give up their time for no reward other than your pleasure.