your guide to folk music in and around the Ridings

What's this, then?


TykesStirrings is gone (that link goes to the details of the last issue published, in Winter 2024/25), but the listings of what's on in the folk world in Yorkshire are alive and well on this site, and still being updated. And there's plenty going on, every day! See the Events page for all the pointers you need.

Unlike the printed magazine, any updates you send here will appear on the site as soon as the Filofolk maintainer sees the email and has time to respond to it - hours, maybe a day or two, not months...

Please keep us up to date with your entries or corrections here.

What Will Happen to the TykesStirrings Web Site?

We'll keep the domain as the filofolk listings are on a subdomain of it and we don't want to change that or your bookmarks will break.

At some point the information about the final issue of the magazine will be removed, and there will instead be just a link to this Filofolk site.

There is talk of a gallery of cover images of past issues of the printed magazine. Nothing has been decided yet. Suggestions (constructive, please!) welcome.

Last issue ever of TykesStirrings magazine Last issue ever of TykesStirrings magazine